Friday, August 12, 2011

Do you care what people think of what you or other people wear at school?

Some people are shallow and judge only from the surface. That's why people think I'm awesome...because I'm too sexy for my shirt!

Driving with L plates and motorway?

as far as i can tell there is no motorways it is best to go on rac website route finder and click avoid motorways but you are correct its upto u to make sure the route is ok

Full names for Vicki besides Victoria?

I'm not pregnant, nor do I plan to be for a while, but I often think about what I would name my future children. My mom's name is Vicki (not short for anything), but apart from the fact that that name is dated to the 1960's, I don't like the idea of directly naming children after people. I'd much rather do it in a roundabout what. What other names can you think of for which Vicki could be a nickname?

Good story start for my book?

Intriguing. I like it. One quick piece of advice: add a hint of action. It doesn't have to big like you could have Nick look behind and see a shadow of a man or something like that that keeps the reader super curious. Good beginning. :)

How long for priority shipping, Michigan to Mass?

Its Troy, Michigan to Dennisport, Ma- 777 miles. Its says USPS priority is 2-3 days but I was wondering whether this would take 2 or 3 days because tomorrow is 4th of July and I need it for something on Friday (so it needs to arrive Thursday)

I wanna buy a first scooter I'm 16?

i want to buy my first scooter I'm 16 years of age. i have roughly between 300 to 500 pounds, i was originally thinking of a peugeot speed fight 2. but i was looking into aprilla rally's, the problem is i want one that is reliable for a couple miles a day won't have many issues and can easily be upgraded with and electric start or push start since i do not want to have the problem that kick-starts generate. if u have any suggestions, and things i should look out for when buying a scooter and stuff that should come with it i would be grateful and the most in depth answer will receive their wonderful 10 points

I have a really bad ear ace?

Okay, I'm home alone and I'm a kid so i can't just go down to the doctor's, Anyways, I have a rally bad ear ace, yesterday I had it in my left here, Now I have it in my right ear, Is there any way I could ease the pain? :(

Contact her or wait for her?

been seeing a girl recently, we were out together thursday night at a club again. We texted when we got home and small talked about how perfect each other was and how we love being together (no mention of relationship, too soon). Anyway i told her good night and i didnt get a reply after it. She was getting up early the next morning to go away for a few days so she probably fell asleep but i was annoyed as this was the only one she didnt reply to (usually does). I was expecting her to reply the next morning but nothing, I didnt expect her to text while shes away as it would cost too much. She is now back from her trip as i seen this on facebook, she has yet to contact me however. Should i text and see how she got on or wait til she texts me? (I originally told her to text me when she got home) I really like her and she said she really likes me, i want a relationship but not sure if shes wants the same. I want to talk to her but i dont want to give in an text her

Pressing the break while turning?

Yea but you don't need to press the gas until you've completed the turn or completed like 85% of the turn like once you get onto the next road. You can press the gas while your turning but it will most likely cause you to take the turn to fast and you will put lots of strain on the suspension. If you need to press the gas you should just press enough to get through the turn, if you need it at all. If your tires are squeaking then maybe your are going to fast, like do you mean the actual rubber or the axel??

Has Michael Eavis finally declared his corporate colours?

Eavis has traveled the time honoured path to becoming a member of the establishment. And in doing so he has lost a lot of friends, not that he probably cares. From what I can gather from the local news a lot of people round Pilton regard him as a man who has scant regard or sensitivity toward them. Glastonbury lost its soul years ago. There are plenty of other lesser festivals around the country where the counter culture lives on, and they are nicer, smaller and more intimate. Glastonbury has just become a yearly fest for the progressive liberal elite and we know how nice thy are, remember Bono is their poster child. Think Walter Wolfgang at that Labour party conference a few years ago and you'll get the continuing vibe here.

Can having sex for the first time in a while cause you to get your period?

I had sex for the first time in 7 months on Thursday. I have been on the pill for two years and we used a condom as well so I know this isn't a pregnancy thing. But suddenly since yesterday I have been bleeding as if I am having a period but on my birth control I am not due to get my period for another two weeks. Could it because I had sex?

How can I get involved in protests?

Getting pissed off at the UK government and I wish to take part in a protest. Problem is I am out of the way and am self employed so am unlikely to be invited to a protest. Where can I find a good website and organization who organizes such rallies?

Why does my stomach still hurt?

HI! thursday night i went out to a bar and got my usual on the beach, a double. i had all together 5 of which i spilled about half way through so 4 and a half. my usually amount of this same drink when i go out ranges from 5 to 6 and of course i get drunk but am always okay and never vomit or anything. the first 2 drinks i had the male bar tender made and they tasted stronger then a double shot so i think he made them slightly stronger. well after the first one i was able to feel it....anyway to the point by my 5th glass i was so drunk i passed out at the bar and spilled the rest of it and was kicked out. i got home threw up twice and then fell asleep for about 4 hours. i woke up and had to sleep in my bathroom cause i kept throwing up..hardly anything though just yellowish stomach acid and in between throwing up i had the runs but each time hardly anything at all came out. i felt awful. by late morning (friday) i tried to drink water and eat bread and i could not it continued to come up almost immediately it was not until about 5 friday night that i was able to drink and keep some soup down. but my stomach hurt awful still....and it still hurt saturday but i made myself eat...well today is sunday and i thought that i was fine when i woke up i was hungry so i ate and now my stomach is in alot of pain again. i dont understand why. should i see a doctor or wait this out? any one who has experienced this or knows please help me. thank you

What did the Miranda five ways roundabout metering traffic light signals say when lights were not operating?

Messages displayed are limited to those that help drivers complete their journey safely and efficiently and cannot be used for advertising or any other unnecessary information.

Is this an ok workout regimen to follow?

I want to make my own workout regimen to follow. I know it's probably not healthy to workout 7 days a week, so would 5-6 days a week be ok? Anyway this is how I picture it Monday-cardio, Tuesday-rest day or easy yoga, Wednesday-strength/weight training, Thursday rest day, Friday-cardio, Saturday-strength/weight training, Sunday-rest day or easy yoga. Diet wise I will probably be not be dieting, but eating healthy by following Eat, Drink, and Be Healthy: The Harvard Medical School Guide to Healthy Eating. Any suggestions would be appreciated, and thanks in advanced.

Warm Sensations roundabout my soul?

i am 22 and male, ever since i accepted christ into my life i have been getting intense anxiety attacks (the devils army is attacking me) i have been getting a numb left arm, at times its numb and at times its pins and needles. i get nausea and fear takes over. now my main concern is i am getting a warm sensation in the middle of my chest (soul area) at times its very nice feeling but at times this is what gets me, it almost burns like a fire inside and i get dizziness and tension on the heart but my breathing is fine. is this a spiritual matter or health matter? is there any christian that is well aged in the faith and also knowledgeable about human health that could enlighten me.. at this moment i am feeling light, as if i could float away.. today (its sunday in new zealand) i went to church and the elder christians were saying how they could feel tremdous love from god for me and that he has a great future for me.. um? ok.. oh man the torments iv had to endure are unreal, im seeing demons in my mind laughing at me and wow very evil thoughts enter my mind, i tremble at times .. sheesh im rambling again.. sorry i need this resolved.. please i have prayed to god so please may god answer me through you.. i am being tested all the time and attacked.. why am i seen as such a threat to satan? please answer all ym questions with your brilliant god given wisdom beloved brethen and sisters.. my main question is the sensations in my chest and tension on my heart.. gp told me i wouldnt have a heart attack at this age and i have quit smoking and do no drugs.. i smoked for 8 years roughly.. please help.. alas it scares me..

Joining the AirForce question...?

Ok so I'm a male and my cousin I'd a female. I want to join the AirForce and she has expressed interest in it as well. We are both turning 18 this year (her on Thursday and I in early august). We want to join, but are a little frightened of the fact that we would be joining before all of our friends (since we have summer Bdays we graduated a year ahead of all of our friends). We know that male and femal are in separate lodging places (obviously) but we wonder if we signed up together if we would be in the flight. My mother said when she went I training male and female where separate(about 15 years ago), but in the movies they seem to be together. Did they change the rule of training together? We really wouldn't want to be separated in 2 separate flights.

I am honest and don't play games so what did he mean by this? Why is he so young yet so maniplulative?

Why did you even tell him about the pregnancy scare? That was completely unnecessary. Think for a moment on that one...were you trying to get his attention even just a little with that? I believe you actually had a pregnancy scare but it is not worth saying anything to him unless the test says that you are actually pregnant. He saw that as you trying to freak him out or create drama..and it did create drama. Just lose contact with him for both of your sake. It seems to be going a bit over the top between you two.

Is it uncommon not to hear anything after a home inspection?

After our home being on the market for quite some time, we finally got an offer. We are under contract and the buyers had 10 days to schedule a home inspection, which they did and that was done on day 9. The contact states they have three days to contact the sellers (us) and inform them of their decision. It does not state business days or actual days. I just feel like if everything was okay, we would have heard something by now (the home inspections was on Thursday it is now Saturday.) It is also a holiday weekend... Anyone who has ever been through selling a home care to share your experience? We are located in Ohio.

Who is at fault in this case. (CAR accident)?

Sounds like you saw the car but failed at judging it's speed. It doesn't matter if the other car was speeding you should not change lanes until it is safe.

Americans are driving me crazy and you are all going to kill me but who cares?!!?

Well you all say us British are stupid, weird teeth, bad food, bad TV shows and not hygienic but the thing is is that compare the videos of us and you guys being idiots you have a lot more and i have never liked Americans but i was getting other it but then i went down town and you where all shouting stuff saying bad stuff about BRITISH being in BRITAIN you where pushing me and every one else stealing things and here in Britain i think we try to make every body at home but you make it hard for us you are all just so fat loud ignorant stupid and a bunch of A**-HOLES it make our life tough so if you hate us so much piss off and also you always change words to suite you like you say soccer is right and football well football AKA soccer was made in England and Rugby AKA football was made in UK and yet you change that and not only sport food names, movie names everything like a roundabout is a rotary there?!!? so why do you persist that English/British are stupid when you americans are arrogant, stupid, selfish, loud, insolent, annoying and just plain rude tell me why cause i find it very annoying and offensive

Jill Scott sample help?

Who samples Jill Scott's "love rain(head nod remix) feat. Mos Def. The song I'm looking for only uses a few words such as thursday...sunny afternoon...

I'm having a problem with my ear?

I went to the beach Wednesday and the waves were really high and I lost my balance and got caught in an undertow. When I got up my left ear was filled with water. I went on shore and laid my head down trying to get the water out. It was better but it still didn't feel right. I put an earache medicine in it when I got home, but 3 hours later it still felt full. Thursday it still felt full, but not as bad. Yesterday I thought I was fine until I got out of the shower. I cleaned my ears and the one that was full suddenly felt more full. I didn't get how it went from ok to feeling full again. I finally put swimmers ear in my ear last night after work. This morning I woke up and it still feels full. I called my dad and he doesn't want to go to the doctor or hospital yet. I started crying because this is getting so frustrating and I want my ear to feel better. He called my aunt and she got me another earache medicine and some sweet oil. We put them both in my ear and now my ear feels more full than it has in the past 3 days. I don't know what to do and am getting pretty upset. We're now going to try some earwax removal. This'll be the 5th stuff we've put in my ear to try and help. Luckily there hasn't been any pain whatsoever. My ear just fells like it is filled with cotton or something. I don't know it just doesn't feel right.

What is the best way to control a manual car going downhill or uphill?

Book some refresher lessons with an instructor as you sound like you are a danger to yourself and others and an accident waiting to happen. The refresher will build your confidence back up make you much safer to be on the roads.

How caste Brahmins made blatant distortion to the meaning of this verse from GITA?

Time has changed.Even present Government is doing every thing based on caste.Can you change it?The four varnas should not be taken as caste differentiation at the time of it s initiation as it was based purely on distribution of work.Whoever was having intellectual talent were termed as brahmans.Let us take good from Gita &follow it.Do not be oversensitive on this issue.

Do americans understand British words even though they don't use them....?

like for example in everyday conversation, a british person is speaking to an american and say words like > Jam, Lorry, Pavement, Roundabout, Tap, etc... will the american scratch his head or will he understand them out of context ???... im curious.

How many driving lessons will i need to pass? (UK)?

Presume you have had 6 1 hour lessons? most people need around 20 lessons before they pass but you need to sit and pass your theory test before you can take your driving test and the theory test is around �30

How do I get guys to ask me to the dance?

I really like this guy who's name is Zane Ryan and I rally want him to ask me to the "Back to School Dance" I don't know what I am gonna say but I think he likes me and I know I like him I just want him to ask me to the dance but I also want other guys to ask me so how do I do it I hate wearing makeup but I am VERY popular so that helps with a little bit of it but I need help!!!!

Is a mitsubishi Lancer Evolution street legal?

Okay so i was wondering if the Lancer Evolution is street legal. i kinda figured it was but then again they use them in rally races so i didnt know. :/ THANKS FOR THE HELP(:

Question about going out after dark?

Buy a disguise like a mustache and bring a knife just in case. Or you can kick them in the balls, no matter how big and strong the guy is, it'll still hurt really bad

If a guy asks for you number how long should you wait for him to call ?

he came up to me , said i was the most beautiful girl in the world , then asked for my number . i told him i wasnt sure and told him to wait ( this was at work ) he waited so i gave it to him . he asked me when i was done with work and so on , then tried to kiss me , but i said no , but i did shake his hand , this was on thursday its saturday , should i give up ?

Why is it the fault of the "liberal-media" when Bachmann and Palin's own words are reported verbatim?

Apparently, Palin has run after far too many motorcycles trying to get a whiff of emissions. It makes me a bit "squirmish" to think that either of these women thinks they have what it takes to be president!

Do you realize how much of our culture is pagan?

Birthdays are pagan too. You forgot those. Thats why Jehovas witness are lame and dont celibate them.

Opinions on this picture?

Kuroshitsuji Season three?

Um, I've done my research about this, and a lot of people think there will be one. I finished the 2 seasons the other day and watched 3 OVAS (Ciel in Wonderland, Welcome to the Phantomhives) and absolutely LOVED them. But i saw there are supposed to be 5, does anyone have a link? are they still being made? and..any roundabout date when season 3 will be coming out? thanks a lot <3

What day will i receive my package?

I ordered a product on Saturday it is already processed. I selected 3 day shipping, so will i receive it on Wednesday afternoon because itll be sent out on monday. It says ill get it on thursday which is 4 days. how does that work out?

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Is taking 2 hydrocodone 5mg/500mg tablets the same as taking 1 norco 10mg/325mg tablet?

i think you are correct. i think the second amount after the / is the acetametophin. ive known five people that have been prescribed vicodin/norco/oxycontin that really needed something for pain due to accidents/ lupus/ etc. all five of these people are dead because they became acutely addicted. please be very careful with this. the mere fact that you're asking has me worried for you. i could be way off. im serious, please be careful :)

What is your opinion of People urged not to shop, work to protest Ga. law?

Im hoping Texas will get a bill like this soon.And as far as illegals or not protesting this bill I say screw them.If you are an American no matter what color you are you should be against illegals coming here and breaking our laws.Our American hispanics should be ashamed of themselves for ever taking up for an illegal.They only do it if it is self serving, such as knowing someone that is in our country illegally.

Using Indicators when exiting roundabouts?

when using a roundabout you use the indicators to tell other road users what you are doing, if there is not a car waiting to join the roundabout, no need to you approach that lane

Was Rage Against the Machine referring to...?

Was Rage Against the Machine referring to Right-Wingers with their lyircs "they rally 'round the family with a pocket full of shells," saying they claim to be about family values and morality but are very concerned with building military power?

Will braces and a bite plate hurt?

If the bite plate is removable, try talking with it and without it, which will give you more practice with your speech. Also, the pain should go away after a few days while using some pain meds. Braces usually hurt right after you get them or when the wires are adjusted, but other than that, the pain should go away in a few days, along with the lisp.

A gentlman friend of mine i think might have lukemia,he just ent for a battery of tests?

and told me that the news wasnt so good,he didnt come right out and tell me what it was he had,instead he took the roundabout way of telling me.he didnt want to tell me what was really wrong with him.but as i can remember in past conversations with this gentlman,i recall him telling me he was always tired and had no stregnth,then he had bouts of stomach poblems no appetite and discomfort.with this disease i know its almot always fatal.whats the general outlook for this man who btw is 77 yrs like to know wht to expect as ive just met this fellow about 9 months ago we are just phone pals for now.i know hes doomed cause thats a terrible disease to have,im hoping that he beats this illness.another thing is that hes running fevers and if he has more fevers hes in trouble thats what he just told me.what do you think? im ready for the worst ( god forbid) .

Have bloggers like Brenda Walker and Dan Amato sparked any violence towards immigrants in the USA?

Hatred towards people who work here illegally to escape poverty should be redirected towards the employers who hire them to avoid paying taxes or a decent wage that allows people to feed their families without help from the government.

Is this writing any good?

This is good, I answered in more detail in your other post of this question, just don't listen to bloby, that kind of response is ignorant and rude.

MTG Red (& Black) Dragon based Deck?

Too many one-ofs and two-ofs to run smoothly. Buy more of the Vs decks if you can't buy singles off the internet or a local card shop.

Too much play in steering wheel?

I would say the steering rack itself is worn. To have the symptoms you described, BOTH tie rod ends would have to be pretty badly worn out. Gennerally only one will go out at a time. Best bet is to take it to an alignment shop and have them check it out.

Older guys, does it seem that this guy wants more than fwb?

He's probably busy. Ask him if there's something that he'd like to do with you apart, and ask him when he'll be free, or say 'we can do this whenever you're free, just let me know'.

Do i sound like i look trashy?

im 16, im a hipster and kindof indie looking but i dress very feminine. i have my lip pierced, my tragus, second and third holes,size 2 gauges in my first ear holes, my belly button pierced, a wrist tattoo that says "vivus" it means alove in latin. and on thursday im getting another tattoo either on my ribcage, shoulder, or thigh, that's a quote that says "my mind's not a well, it won't run dry" and im getting doves around the word on my wrist for my dad, who passed away. do i sound trashy looking? im just asking because people on here say girls with tats and piercings are trashy but everyone that knows me doesn't think I am.

I need relationship advice?

Okay, so i know this is a lot to read, but you need to whole story to be able to help. I really liked this guy for a while, and he liked me too. The other day we were at a local park and were just sitting around goofing off, and we had been flirting back and forth for a while, so finally i just kissed him. It was just a little peck, and i didn't think it'd turn into anything major. Later that evening we kissed some more, made out a bit, but at the end of the night decided that we were just gonna be friends for now, even though he really wanted to date. I just didn't want that right now. That was on a Thursday, and then the following Saturday, a bunch of our friends and us went to the same park to watch fireworks for an early 4th of July type thing. Eventually it was just me and him, sitting there talking and waiting on the fireworks to start. We kissed some more, and it went further than I've ever been before (still just kissing, just making out more...heavily, i guess). The next day (today) I told him that i really like him, and that i do want to date him eventually, but i just want to stay single for the summer. I didn't wanna lead him on anymore than i already have, and i feel really bad about that. Everything was just moving too fast for me. We went from being kinda good friends, to making out in a span of 3 days. I want to be friends with a guy, go out on actual dates, and then maybe date them. I really like this guy, and I don't wanna mess things up anymore than I already have. Did I do the right thing by telling him that i don't want to date him after all that, or should i have dated him because of the stuff we had already done? His friends have already called me an idiot, and told me i shouldn't have done what i did yesterday if i felt that way about things. I know that, and I already feel bad about it. I just need an outsiders honest opinion.

Im very confused about my feelings... please HELP! :(?

Me and my boyfriend have been going out nearly a year now... well a year this thursday... and we have been through a lot and have split up many times before. we split up last night cos im a very bad worrier and i worry about everything we do even though its nothing sexual and also because im always very confused with my feelings and i just dont want to do the wrongg thing by maybe staying with him if im not sure but now im very down and want to be with him but something doesnt feel right when i think of us being together. Im 15 and he is 17. Now we have split up, this time it feels so real and i have been confused about my feelings for a long time :( and i still don't know whether to try and make things up with him or call it a day... maybe it would be best... i just don't know. i just need to make a desision but because im so confused i really dont know what to do :( if any one can help me i would be very grateful.. thanks :)

Cannot pass driving test!!!! Help!!!?

Wow, in the America land, all you need to drive is pass a simple 25 question test, then your on your way...explains all the terrible driving here though.

Are model airplanes useful against terrorists?

For example, if the head of Hezbollah has a rally, and Israel sends a harmless model airplane buzzing around the stage. Would it panic the Hezbollah leader and reveal his cowardice?

So in a roundabout weird way I admitted to my best friend I like her. What the heck does this response mean?

I really don't think that she wants to date you because she is having too much fun just living the single life, hanging out and meeting with whomever she wants when she wants to.. There is no indication that she wants anything more than just a friendship with you.....Sorry>)

General rule for unmarked roundabouts?

what is a good rule to use to know what lane to be in at a roundabout with more than 4 exits with no markings

Agressive 4ft boa constrictor?

So i got a boa on thursday he was a bit grumpy so i left him till friday and i got him out, he was fine then he went a bit wierd and striked one of the thermomaters when i was putting him back in. Today he was hissing and didnt want me to pick him up, so i fed him. But how am i going to build up the trust with him? Hes about 4ft long and always wants to bite me so it seem. Any tips for getting him under control?

How many days a week should i excerise?

4-5 days a week, and you will see better results if you mix up your exercises. Example: one day, lightly jog for 30-45 minutes, then the next day do weight lifting and more vigorous exercises.

How does a country defeat an enemy that doesn't rally behind a flag?

It don't,this enemy isn't a country or person,it's an idea that has no land to conquer and no body to kill.

How many lessons to pass?

I have analysed my skills, and I need some work on dual carriageways,dual carriageway roundabouts, bit more work on hills ( my car rolls back on hills when i am at traffic lights, and need more practice on stopping on hills. Need more work on reverse corner, can sometimes be unsure on lane positioning when leaving the roundabout. i can do everything else, how many lessons do you reckon i need to pass???

Where the bachelorette went in Thailand ?

I would liketo know 1. What city/ area. And 2. Is there anyway of knowing the resirtand where they went kayaking..?:). It was so beautiful and I rally want to look into going there :). Thankyou:))

Where can I buy clarinet mouthpieces in Texas?

I need to buy myself a new clarinet mouthpiece... A professional-grade one. Unfortunately, I am having trouble finding a store roundabouts the San Antonio area that caters to instrumental music. Does anyone know of a store like that?

Why can black national front groups, mexican raza gangs, and muslim terror cells rally and recruit in the USA?

Yet let the KKK start to move and they'll all wind up in jail. The KKK is one of the only organizations that stands for the White race and the White race only.

How can I deal with this psycho girl?

Next time you see her at the next gathering if she starts beef tell her very loud to cut her crap you are sick and tired already. Say you said I could go out with him and now your acting like a dam psycho. Ask her what the hell her problem is and he was not even worth it. She is not your real friend and I would not even stress her. If she was hurt about it after she said to date him then she should of said something maybe like I didnt realize it was going to bother me but it does. You would of ended it just like you did cause you said it wasnt worth it. She didnt even give you that chance. Good Luck

Did someone forget to tell Obama he has to be re-elected before he can serve 5 and 1/2 years in office?

He is a fine example of arrogance at it's finest. He thinks he is god. Well we will see how god like he is when the government shuts down as a result of him shoving his socialist agenda down our throats. There has to be a line drawn in the sand and this may be it. I hope it is. This has gone on to long.

How can I get this incomplete MOV file to work?

That's an awesome story to explain to your girlfriend when she asks what happened to her camera, but nope no judging here. The issue may very well be the incomplete file transfer, but if it showing up in your computer folder as a complete file then you might have something left to salvage. Make sure that the computer is using the correct codecs (basic drivers to run A/V tracks) and that it can open other files from the camera with no issues. If it is opening other files well enough then you know that there is a file corruption error. Attempt to run a disk check on the SD card chkdsk (SD):\, and otherwise there are probably hundred dollar programs out there to salvage digital media files. I would just be glad you didn't lose the SD disk too.

Help please???? what do I do?

I just started my periods a while ago and have stayed away from the pool and other stuff, but I'm on my period and my mom is forcing me to go to the beach tommorow, not caring I'm on my period, she doesnt want me to wear tampons and she is pretty much blaming me for not going to the pool since thursday, when I started. She called me a liar when I said my cycles are 7 days, because hers are 3. What do I do? I have to go to the pool tonight, and beach tommorow with my friends, they wont understand why im not in the water, we arnt close enough to talk about these things. Im scared they'll pressure me into the pool then I'll have blood running down my leg. Any help is appreciated

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Pregnancy symptoms? discharge?

sorry this so uhh hmm personal but can anyone explain to me what the discharge you get is like in early pregnancy? I am having this discharge white and almost stretchy like. Keeps me thinking my period started early. I'm also having other symptoms such as sore breasts, fatigue, constipation, mood swings, and period like cramps. My period isn't in-till next Thursday so its to early to take a test but all these symptoms match up to early pregnancy symptoms. but anyways can anyone explain to me what this discharge is and if its related to early pregnancy symptoms?

Why a man might not call or text?

I gave a man my mobile number on thursday night and he hasn't called yet. Does this mean he's not going to? I have to see him again on tuesday and i'm not sure how to behave him around now as don't want to stop talking to him just because he hasn't called.

Do you really have to stay more thenn 48 hours in the hospital after giving birth?

i have a friend who was due thursday but since its her 1st she may be overdue, now she is starting to get slight contractions, but her friend told her she has to stay at the hospital for a minimum of 48 hours, is this true?

What would win in a race?

Where your theory gets shaky is that the moment the Hyabusa hit the outskirts of London he would hit heavy traffic and frequent traffic lights and even on a bike his speed would then be not much more than a cars on those roads. Central London is quite some way from the outskirts!

Can I go swimming after wart removal?

I'm having a few plantar warts frozen off with liquid nitrogen, Thursday morning. I have plans to go swimming later that afternoon. Is this a bad idea, or no?

How do you stay POSITIVE ALL the time but keep your EXPECTATIONS LOW? HELP!?

Its an Mental war its hard to b positive when in desperate and negative situtiations but it can b done I look at as y should I count myself out when everyone else is already doing that for me u know bein positive is always sayin to urself things can change for da better bcuz I say it can practice it I changes ur whole world u become more than ur situtiation.

Will American Muslims eventually behave like European Muslims if we offend Islam?

Muslims in the US are only 0.6% of the population. If they all started acting like that, they would soon all be in prison or executed.

How much money would it be to turn my car into a rally car?

I have a 2007 dodge nitro, I found out that it drives and handles exceptionally well off road at high speeds (60 and up) what would I have to do to it? Like wide body, new tires. What kind of engine modifications would I have to make? And in total, about how much would it cost?

Someone please help me?

Hi everyone. Im an 18 year old female. I've been having stomach soreness since Saturday morning (it's sunday now). Kind of like I just worked out, but I haven't. I did have sex twice recently. Once on Thursday and once on Friday morning. Both were with a condom. I'm not on birth control and my period isn't expected to come until around July 20th. With the stomach soreness and pain, I'm wondering if I could be pregnant. Can someone help? Thanks in advance.

Hola ! My Name Is Dominique .?

Today Is Sunday, July 03, 2011 and This is the week i'm suppose to get my period, i had sex with my boyfriend June 30rd on thursday the day before he left to go upstate. We had protected sex but then as we were ******* a burning sensation began to start down at my vagina for about a minute but i payed it no mind, but not to pay it any mind the condom popped but i had no clue until after the fact, but mean while the buring sensation stopped and my inside got even more wet, at that moment we both were satisfied on how we felt so we didnt bother to stop until i guess he finally realized that the condom was popped but when he pulled out alot of *** came running down my legs and we both think that he nutted inside of me. This is the week i'm suppose to be on my menstural but it did not come yet, i still feel my period cramps but there starting to go away . Could I Be Pregnant ? What Should I Do and When Should I Take A Test ?

Do you really think that our Govt. is serious in controlling the road accidents in India?

I have given so many good ideas to control the road accident in Delhi like construction of foot over bridge in Munirika village, convert red light into roundabout in Rk Puram, Dwarka, solution to traffic jam at Vasant village, but no response from the authorites. so do you think that anybody is serious about road accident.

Failed my driving test good reason to complaint?

She made me stop at a roundabout while see ask some children are you on your own and then chatted to them for 5 mintues. I failed because when i was changing lanes i did't look behind but i did i look left /right and behind my blind spot.

BUDEPRION XL is it worth it?

I just started taking it Thursday for depression. Did you like it? What side effects did you have? Did it help with depression (if thats why your on it). I took Wellbutrin as a teenager I really didn't have a problem with it but I've been reading about Budeprion and almost every review is negative I know everyone reacts differently but I'm getting nervous about it..

6 months ago our son asked if he could have sex with his gf, and we gave him permission!we make a good choice?

This is so weird, but yes you made the right decision. She won't be getting pregnant and they are both having fun, but this is pretty much unheard of O_o.

Mcdonalds Help please!!!?

I have never worked at Mcdonalds and I already know its easy. If you have been threw the drive threw for Mcdonalds ( im guessing you have ) then just remember what the cashiers do when you pull up. That will be your job.

Could your final thought possibly be, "Oh, God, I hope this doesn't get me listed in the Darwin Awards..."?

Just querious. I guess you could also consider it a roundabout way of asking if you think you're going to die from something just plain stupid. ;-)

How can i masturbate to make if fell really good and kum alot?

i am a guy and i want to be able to c-um a lot more and i want to make masturbating feel rally good and is there any good masturbating porn link please comment :)

My husband is obsessed with an online game called Galaxy, help?

I am a newly wed, since my husband and I have gotten married, he has taken on a special liking for an online game provided on facebook. I found no harm in it at first until I see him playing it all day and night neglecting his family and household responsibilities.I spoke to him about this and how it has started to bother me because its interfering with our daily lives..It should not consume him to the point that he can't be with me and our newborn son. Its quite weird actually...So I asked that he just take time to play the game Sun-Wed..But leave Thursday-Sat as just time for the family..I understand everyone needs a time to do what they want, but I thought this schedule was reasonable..He has not adhered to my request at all, and he is continously pllaying this game. My husband is 26 years old I just dont get it.Please help me, because I don't know what else it is that I can do because he is giving our moments, to a bunch of users on an online galaxy game..Please be respectful in answering,if you can't help, dont bother. I only want to hear from mature reasonable adults.

When should I go to the ER if I think I am having a gallbladder attack?

On Thursday afternoon I began having pain on my right side right at the bottom of my rib cage. A dull achey pain has been constant there since with sharp pains coming and going. I have been feeling nausea and some pain/almost burning in my chest more on the right side. I have a horrible headache that started about two hours ago. The pain is worse at night and after eating. I haven't eaten much as I have gotten over the pain and don't want to do anything to make it worse. I have had diarrhea immediately after eating for a few months until this attack started and now I feel constipated. My temp is now 99.2 and is normally 97.6. I plan on going to the Dr. on Tuesday because of the holiday Monday, but I have heard horror stories of people waiting too late to go to get help.....

Does it look like Texas will finally stand up to TSA tyranny?

lol well glenda we may be stupid here in texas--we may offend your sensibilities--but we also created more jobs here during nobamas tenure than all the other 49 put together. So stay where ur atl. Oh--and yes--I hope perry and the legistlature spits in holders eye.

Were most of today's Tea Party members out at Glenn Becks' pro-Iraq-war rallies back when Bush was president?

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So my toyota celica just turned off on me! plzz help!!!!!?

So we were outside and we were doing some rally in my toyota 1985 celica GT and well we stalled a few times. And the driver tried to take off on third gear. But the car obviously turned off. So, now we try to start it all over again. And fix it. But it doesn't work. We tried to push, it. Put more gas. Etc. We just waited for it to cool down.. So what should we do? Any suggestions? Please my friend is not so smartt plzz help its an EMERGENCY!!!!!!

Are my parents stupid for making me do this?

Im 16, 6'2'' and 170 pounds and last thursday I went to the gym to play pick up basketball and I got in a fist fight with this cocky asian kid. I got my entire gym membership at golds gym suspended (worth 1000+ dollars) and my parents are furious with me. Honestly this kid was a prick and kept pushing me when he was smaller than me. And then I lost it because I drove to the basket and he clothes lined me so I pinned him down and punched him twice in the face. Now my parents want me to write an apology to the kid and I'm grounded. like wtf??

This writing any good?

Not bad - kept me interested - I think I need just a line or two near the beginning telling me where they were, setting wise - but nicely done.

Can someone clear up uk driving test rules?

Hello. I might be looking for excuses but im pretty sure that im being taken for a ride! I failed my driving test last time as when going round a mini roundabout (turning right) my back drivers side wheel touched (not went over) the white centre. Was told it was an instant fail? Had another yest and apparently got too close to a car coming in the opposite direction down a lane, now i am 200% thats a lie. I was dreading meeting a car going down that lane and was so relived i didnt!! Also tge arms on my glasses were too thick (they are standard glasses?? Nit exactly thick?!) would appreciate your thoughts

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

What is the meaning of my dreams?

first dream calling you a Mormon then going to a theater and can't find first girl = that she might not be interested in you because she disappeared. The 3ed dream about the gym = sexual men often look at exercise as sex and not wanting to leave showed that. The last dream was very very sexual a car in a dream is a mans penis so you were being very sexually dangerous , and even calling your mom to know how much further you could be sexually dangerous. The last dream was a warning always use precautions. :)

Can Getting a shot at the doctors cause a late period?

I was due today for my period (i've been having a few cramps, and tender breasts) but it hasn't come at all. last thursday i got a meningitis shot at the doctors, could that cause a late period?

Drove through puddle, car behaving strangely?

I drove through a puddle today, wasnt too deep, just enough to slow it down. But then going around a roundabout straight after it was a little sluggish getting around in 3rd gear. Then i parked at the shops and left the stereo on as y sister went and got something. It started fine. then going up a hill just after it lost all power in 3rd and 2nd, no revs at all, so had to go up in 1st. i then stopped and i was idling just under its normal idle rev count and was shaking like it does when it is about to stall, havent tried to start it for a few hours. it is still raining, will it be ok to get home? and will i be ok in general? does it just need to dry out? rev it out next time i start?

I have bent the bar holding the radiator fan and radiator. I believe it is the actual bumper. Is it repairable?

2 days ago I spun on a roundabout hitting the inside curb. Apart from possibly needing a new radiator as well as definately needing a new fan and numberplate I seem to have bent the bar behind plastic bumper holding the parts in place, is this fixable or have I damaged the chassis?

Should i go to this place with my elementary school crush? I recently got in contact with my elementary school?

I recently got in contact with my elementary school crush, whom I getting feelings for again, we r seniors in high school now. And well I can tell he is just as nice and sweet as he was when we were younger. He invited me to go to this rally for walmart workers to help support him with his internship. Should I go? (Its in a public area @ a park with a bunch of other rallyers just in case he really isn't as sweet as he use to be(which I doubt))

New puppy with possible developmental issues?

It sounds to me like an urgent trip to the vet is in order. There are several things that you mentioned that concern me. Bloated belly could be worms, walks in circles and runs into things could be eyes or brain issues or something else entirely. Has the puppy been de-wormed , what about vaccinations? You say that the friend was the cause of the problems, was the puppy a product of improper breeding? Improper breeding can lead to many problems. I have personally seen puppies that were doing some of the things that you describe that were the product of improper breeding such as walking in circles. The puppy seems to have a lot of things going on so I would say get the vet to take a look and if at all possible get the full story from your friend. If this is really a good friend/responsible breeder she should have no problem giving you the whole story. Good luck and I hope you get the puppy feeling better soon!!

Will my voice change?

I am a fourteen almost fifteen year old girl. I am having a tonsillectomy and an adenoidectomy on Thursday due to repeated infections and stuff. I have always had a low and raspy voice, because thats how my voice is.. Everyone tells me that my voice will change for a while, while others tell me the vocal change is permanent. I want to know if it will go back to normal after the procedure or not.

Do people make fun of freshmens at your highschool? If so, what'd they do/say? ?

Don't be scared.... I ddon't know why people are so afraid to be freshmans.... I went to LA high hahaha. If you're scared of someone picking on you just join groups like band or Digital Production or something, in there you'll find a variety of kids from 9th-12th grade. You can socialize with them .... trust me.. .if you're friends with couple of 11-12th graders you're safe.

How can we take Cain at his word when he says something at a rally?

Cain was just making the point that there would be no 2000 page bills (ie ObamaNoCare). He wants to make them available in readable English. Nothing wrong with that.

Is Galaxy Apollo ment 2 die wen on idle?

I want to know when your not using the galaxy apollo phone is the battery meant to die quite quick?? I didn't use my phone earlier and came upstairs about a few minutes ago and noticed my battery was on it's way out (dying)..I didn't charge my phone when I got it on Thursday when i was supposed to do it for the 1st time , so since I didn't do that is that why my android phone dies more or less quite quickly? I've turned off Wi-Fi and the applications so I'm hoping my battery won't die as quick i've also turned off the other settings too so the battery life will last longer.

In the UK - Will I get a ticket for this?

LOL, they'd of pulled you if they wanted you, why waste time sending out tickets when your right in-front of them, everyone(including me) drives like your on your test when the police are behind, but you drove erratically. Big lol

What do the Queensland roundabout metering traffic light signals say when operating and not operating?

Messages displayed are limited to those that help drivers complete their journey safely and efficiently and cannot be used for advertising or any other unnecessary information.

What shall i do about my driving lessons?

I have been having driving lessons for a while now and i dont know how to take my instructor, sometimes he/she is fine and fun to be around but other times they are in a bad mood and as a result loose there patience, i dont know how to take him/her, like on round abouts if i wait and dont go im told i ,missed an oportunity and get moaned at and other times when i go i get moaned at and told i should of waited im fed up with it i dont know what im suppost to do if i go when im comfortable to i get moaned at if him/her is in a good mood then i dont get moaned at but if him/her is not in a good mood then its feels like its taken out on me, if a driver cuts me up when we are out he/she bibs the horn at the other driver having ago and that to me isnt right, i feel sick when it comes to havin lessons and feel releaved if its cancelled due to someones tests or whatever, i hate being moaned at and feel like im a rubbish driver if i do something wrong and if i do sommin wrong he/she has a go and i just want to get out the car and never drive again. I have been wondering if i should try another instructor, someone i know had the same instructor so i chose the same one and they said he/she was like that with them but sounds like they have got alot worse, whenever i do something on my lesson mainly on roundabouts im constantly thinking if i go will i get moaned at if i wait will i get moaned at so i cant just relax and consentrate on my driving im alsways thinking if i will get moaned at for something. Im just not sure what to do about it. Im not a very outgoing person and i am quiet so i just hold it all in and only tell my mum and dad they say i should change as its not right and if i get someone else i will see there point of view on driving and they can tell me if im okay or doing anything wrong, as for example if im waiting at a roundabout and someone is indicating to come around, i have to wait but if they suddenly turn of still with there indicator on i will be told i missed and oportunity and if i say but the indicater was on to come around to me i will get told you should of watch the body language of the car and viser versa. Im really stuck with what to do, when i think of changing instructers i feel unsettled as thats the sort of person i am, please if you have any advice i would love to hear it. and if you can recommend any driving schools and instructors that would be great thanks

How to hold a legal rally about a corrupt house builder in the UK?

Can't answer your question, but have you contacted Watchdog or a 'builders from hell' type programme?

How to save money? Where can I save it?

Where can I save my money so I wont spend it.? I get paid evry week (Mondays) & by wednesday or thursday.. Im broke till nxt monday.

In New South Wales, what do the lights on the Erina Central Coast roundabout say when they are on and off?

I haven't been there,but if you mean they are flashing amber lights,it just means there is a problem with the lights & you must proceed with extreme caution.

What do the roundabout metering traffic light signals at Erina Central Coast NSW say when not operating?

Messages displayed are limited to those that help drivers complete their journey safely and efficiently and cannot be used for advertising or any other unnecessary information.

I fell on my elbow and cut my skin?

The skin of my elbow is sort of peeled off and its bleeding a lot the cut is quiet deep. I fell on some mini roundabout like the ones you have at playgrounds. Please help iv washed it and put a plaster on it what else can I do ?? Would it heal as the bleeding don't stop

Not allowed to change my own diaper, gonna be screwed tomorrow. Help!!?

Thats a bit messed up. Anyone older than 10 should be able to change their own diaper. Thats not right. You could try talking to someone about it, it happened to me when i was younger and my 11 year old brother was never potty trained so my parents still diaper him, he hates it. feel free to message me if you want.

Ttc #1 I have a question about my ovulation?

Me and my fiance are trying to have a baby. Sometimes my cycles are 24 days or 25 days. Me and my fiance had sex Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, And Friday. I thought i ovulated friday but today i had A LOT of cervical mucus and my temp was the lowest its ever been (96.48) so that has me thinking that i ovulated today. But me and my fiance couldnt have sex today because he is at work. So do you think we should be okay with possibly conceiving this cycle even if we didn't have sex today?

Should I just buy the cellphone charger?

i really don't want to waste my $ but... I lost my cellphone charger and its my fault because I didn't put it in my bedroom when I should of. Anyways, I have a summer math class at my college starting this week on Thursday. My dad says he got 3 weeks off where he can drop me off and pick me up, so i don't have to buy metro card rides. This wouldn't be good if my cell wasn't charged because what if I decided to hangout with friends after class ( class starts 9am ends 12:30pm)? Should I just suck it up and buy one? I have been using my moms cellphone charger that only works in the car..

What happens in Ohio if your driver's licence expires, but you don't have a vehicle registered to you?

Basically, a friend turned 21 last Thursday, and her licence expired, but she doesn't have a car, and isn't driving. Will she be fined by the state for not renewing?

Roundabout with 4 Exits?

Normally you can use lane one for exits one and two, but on rare occasions when exits one or two are very minor roads you could use it for exit three also. Lane two can be used for exits two, three and four.

Unsure what to do....?

He is from a different country, he can be doing anything he wants without you really knowing. Call him so see whats up though. It make wake him up

Monday, August 8, 2011

Can i drink beer when getting over a yeast infection?

I took that pill fluconzol or something and its just a one time dose on friday or thursday night. Am i okay to drink beer now?

Is all the circumstantial evidence against you based on unfortunate circumstances in a roundabout sort of way?

You can't curl your nosehairs if you are on a crash diet of Twinkies and liver. Not enough nitrogen orbits.

When can I make out after Wisdom Teeth removal?

A good way to test that is sucking on a straw. If that gives you no pain at all, you should be fine. But don't go for super heavy makeouts. Could be risky.

Hi please help , this is really killing me cause i have said something so stupid to a girl that i really like?

Apologize to her in person and make her realize that you're sorry cause it sounds like you really love this chick so tell her you love her if it's true.

Is it safe for an american to drive manual (stick) in the U.K.? I'm doing it on Monday!! eeks!?

I'm use to my automatic volvo! Not to mention the cars over here are SO small and have NO power.. I know how to drive stick but now i'm concerned because I forgot they drive on the wrong side of the rd!! And there are roundabouts!!!

Car Accident. Who is to blame ?

Sounds as though it is your fault. Cheapest option is to accept it and offer to pay for the repairs to his car out of your pocket vs the cost of your next premium. This will save your pocket. Don't take things personally neither of you has been injured and put it down to experience.

How do roundabout metering traffic light signals operate?

By a "roundabout" with traffic lights, I'm picturing something like Columbus Circle in NYC. Just go when the light changes, don't go when you have the red light.

Are you appalled by this?

To be fair manners went out of the window decades ago . Basically the highway code doesn't cease to be law just because someone has died . The car hooting may well have been in a hurry , you can't expect someone to wait for four or five cars to go past at a smalls pace . I'm going to have to assume you don't drive , or you would know that changing the law would cause absolute chaos .

Can you help me think of what to do for gcse art?

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What are roundabout metering traffic light signals?

What do they look like? What is their function? What colours do they have? What was the original changeable message sign which operates along with them which rotated before and after operation? What did the sign say when the lights were off and what did it say when they were on? I also want to know what the advanced warning sign with the flashing yellow lights said when the lights were in operation and when they were not in operation.

Why Do Republicans / Fox News Act like their shocked Because blacks vote Democratic Overwhelmingly ?

I'm always surprised that they vote for a party that consistently convinces them that "they can't make it without the government",even though the guy telling them this time somehow "made it".

Which combination is best for a boy?

Leo Kendrick all the way. Leo is adorable when he is little but is a strong classic that ages well throughout the years. Also the way it is balanced out by a more modern an and funky name like Kendrick is wonderful. Their combined meaning is really cool, too. Leo means "lion" and one of the meanings of Kendrick is "bold power." How awesome! Good luck and happy naming~

How are you reacting to Budeprion XL?

I just started taking it Thursday for depression. Did you like it? What side effects did you have? Did it help with depression (if thats why your on it)

Christians, Muslims clash over new church in Egypt?

Exactly why the middle east is so F up today is because of these religions. Well, mainly due to the lack of freedom to information, rational, and skeptical thinking.

I have a question...........?

I had an interview at macy's almost seven weeks ago,and on Thursday I got a call and they said that they were waiting for the county criminal record check. Does this mean that as soon as this passes I will be hired there. I just graduated from college. This job is for a loading dock job. I assume there isn't an indepth background check. It only pays 8.45 an hour

28 wks, 5days preg, mild cramping and light spotting.. help?

Last Thursday I wound up being in severe pain and was bleeding. I was in the hospital overnight and monitored but there was nothing wrong. They ran a bunch of tests and did 3 different ultrasounds but still nothing. Just now, I got out of the shower and went to dry myself off and again had some blood there. I've been complaining about my belly hurting for a day or so now but the baby is still moving around. (He's a bit of an acrobat.) I've lost a baby at 19 wks before so I'm just a bit jumpy with anything. Is this something I should be worried about? Thanks in advance.

What would win in a race?

This would depend on a number of factors including the weights of the train and the car and the average speed. It would also depend on whether both vehicles have to follow speed limits and how often the car needs to refuel. Even if you're allowed to exceed speed limits, I doubt it can reach 186mph on the A1 without crashing unless you have the entire stretch of road to yourself.

Which lane to take at traffic lights?

You would normally use the left hand lane but if the lane is restricted, as with the parked cars you mention, it is permissible to use the right hand lane.

Is battery meant to die quite quick when Galaxy Apollo is idle?

I want to know when your not using the galaxy apollo phone is the battery meant to die quite quick?? I didn't use my phone earlier and came upstairs about a few minutes ago and noticed my battery was on it's way out (dying)..I didn't charge my phone when I got it on Thursday when i was supposed to do it for the 1st time , so since I didn't do that is that why my android phone dies more or less quite quickly? I've turned off Wi-Fi and the applications so I'm hoping my battery won't die as quick i've also turned off the other settings too so the battery life will last longer.

HELP! my gran is a very dangerous driver!?

My gran is in her mid 70's and is an awful driver. There is no way she would legally pass now, she stalls in the worst of places, crosses over lanes on a roundabout without indicating or looking around, has no lane discipline whatsoever, drives everywhere in first gear and drives around with her indicator on then turns the opposite direction because "she can't hear her indicators clicking". When we try to speak to her about it she refuses to listen or retake her test but this has got to stop. She aknowledges the fact she drives eratically but thinks this is different from being dangerous! I beg to differ, I've been in the car before when she has been breathalised by police for her dangerous driving! Please help before she kills herself or someone else! Is there any way she can be made to retake a test?

Can you turn a normaly Ford fiesta Zetecs S into rally car ?

I real want to get into rally in the uk and i need a small car that i can race because i want to start to take it very seroiusly because i used to do go-karting and i was very good but it did not have the money to take it on but now i do and i would real like to start racing it in compation and maybe turn it into a career.

Christians, answer some questions for me?

You're meant to believe it, not understand it. So what if it contradicts itself and doesn't ever add up?

On percocet im 25 wks preg nd been on em 4 10 wks is baby going 2b ok ? has ne1 taken em threw pregnancy?

im really freaked out i just want to make sure the baby will be ok beings that ive been taken them the whole pregnancy and i rally want my son to be born healthy as can be

I told my boyfriend I love him and he said it back but made a joke about it?

it sounds like he was just suprised. Also, it could be that he thinks it's not very masculine when he says it. Guys like to appear tough towards their girlfriends and don't want to seem all emotional

I really am annoyed with my roommate?

slap her in the face, tell her not to eat your ****. dont let her bother u unless she crosses tht line. stay calm and act like u are better than her because u are. she is just a snob. invite yur friends over to yur dorm and hangout there. let her know whos boss

What time is 23:40 in Japan?

I am booking a bus ticket and I picked the latest time on Thursday for departure; it says departing at 23:40 on Thursday, does that just mean 12:40 am on Friday? Because the bus arrives in Osaka at 8:30 am, around the time it should...I'm just a little confused! Thanks for the help!!!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Can neumonia make you lose a race?

I had lung infection two months ago and on Thursday was my daughters sports day in which I came third last out of 11 mums ever one was surprised even I was since everyone knows I'm quite the sporty one and since then I feel I have let my daughters down. But can illness bring that much weakness

How do I follow an appeal against my failed driving test in London?

in the examiners opinion, you made a dangerous mistake which is an automatic fail.Your appeal will take you nowhere so accept the fact and make sure you don't do a similar mistake on your next test

My crush needs a secret Facebook account?

So here's the problem. On Thursday, I admitted to my crush I loved him and he loves me back! He also said he wants a Facebook so I can change my relationship status from "single" to "in a relationship". I asked his friend if he can get a Facebook, but she said his parents are strict. Plus, he can't even date until college So, I want him to have a Facebook, but I don't want his parents to find out. What do I do????????

Is the Sturgis Bike Rally, generally a racist crowd?

Some friends and I would like to go to Sturgis, but not if it's going to be full of racist people. I gave that lifestyle up a longtime ago. This would be my first trip to Sturgis and I don't want to be around a whole bunch of bs.

Driving test tomorrow - roundabout help needed?

One problem im having with roundabouts is im a little hesitant. So i need a rule to help me decide when the gap is big enough to go. Is the rule that you go if the other vehicle is behind their give way line, if not you wait for them to get clear of the roundabout? thanks

Does anyone have any ideas?

so i want to be a political science major when i go to college and i want to go to college in washington dc, and im involved in politics now (i live in wisconsin so i've been protesting and going to rallies and going to debates, etc), and i was wondering what else i could be doing (im only 16) and if anyone knows of any summer camps or programs that i could do next summer (cuz this summer im working 40hrs a week so i have money saved to go to a summer camp or program next year), so if anyone has any suggestions on what else i could be doing to prepare myself to be a politician, it would be greatly appreciated.

Would a 2001 cobra mustang be a good car for the gumball 3000...?

I really wanna do the Gumball 3000 and trying to decide on a car to build up for the rally doing coast to coast, now would a 2001 cobra mustang supercharged be a good car for this event and would it keep up with the big dogs...???

Question about roundabouts?

hi just think of it as ; keep to the left if going left at the island ,or straight on ,any other exit go into the right hand lane , if there are 3 lanes leading into an island ,left lane -left and straight ,middle lane-straight on and right ,right lane- right, unless of course you drive a volvo ....then its anybodies guess lmao , good luck with the test

I really need some advice?

My one year old Miniature Jack Russell barks whenever he sees another dog.I've had him for about 3 weeks now.When I take him for a walk,if he sees another dog he starts barking rally loudly and pulling on the lead and ends up choking himself and he doesn't stop.It is getting really annoying.What can I do to stop him doing this?Should I like get an anti-bark collar or something like that?Or should I take him to a dog trainer?Or what should I do?Thanks in advance.Please no nasty comments.

Income tax on $30000 salary?

I was just wondering what my salary would be after taxes on a $30,000/year salary. I don't need exact, just a roundabout estimate. Does anyone have a $30,000 salary and know what they get a month or year? Any help would be great.

Is it true that in the UK, a speeding ticket in your first year of holding a license can lose you your license?

I've only been driving a few days and still getting used to what limits are where in my area. I was traveling down a 40mph road for a while which I didn't notice turned into a 30mph road after a roundabout. I'm 99% sure I didn't get caught on the speed camera, but my friend has warned me to be wary of the post for the next few days, to make sure I don't get my license terminated! Is this true?

How to go through summer without your mom?

My mom is leavin to lebannon on Thursday, until aug 28. I know I'm going to miss her alil bit, but I don't wanna think about it or cry. Im used to her leaving during summer, she left in 06, and 08. How do I stop thinking about it and not get emotional. And still manage to have a good summer without her

Where can I buy battery powered led fairy lights in stores in Canada?

I'm planning on using battery powered led fairy lights or any sort of light up strings powered by a battery pack for a project ( are fantastic too, however the problem is that I need them A.S.A.P! (Before next thursday, july 14). Does anyone know where I can purchase probably not larger than 10 ft sting of lights for a reasonable price? Like under or around $25?

I failed my driving test 2 times.......?

Dont lose your confidence . everyone is different . just stay clam and dont panic . take a deep breathe , count to three and do your best :)

Is this a normal reaction for a guy to have when his gf tells him she loves him for the first time?

I think its ok. Most guys will want to say it first to you. Some don't mind who does.. But I guess he is feeling somewhat elevated by you saying it first.. Or curious.. So he makes a few jokes and questions of what he already knows. He is just happy he has gotten you where he wants you to be. If he hasn't said it yet, he will. Do this, don't say it again, ignore the subject and wait for him to say it to you too. He will.

Will i fail my P's test if i can't Parallel park? (QLD)?

My test is on thursday and i'm pretty nervous about just this, fine with everything else. so some good answers would really Help a heap...thanks

Which roundabouts in Western Australia have red lights operating during rush hours?

Probably none, that's not the purpose of roundabouts. Just keep you eyes on the road and not your mobile phone or GPS while you are driving!

Is it good idea to have six volleyball women teams in double round robin one week season?

That is a lot of teams. But by looking at your set up it looks like it is going to work out really well. Good layout.

First driving lesson next week, I am very scared?

They take you out on the freeway during rush hour your first time to bust your cherry violently. Your life will flash before your eyes good luck your gonna die!

Berkeley still Fu�ked up?

I am planning on going to Berkeley next month for the sole purpose of making liberal scumbags feel stupid, but I'm worried that the fervor has died down lately. Anyone know if Berkeley is still protest this and rally that?

What activity would my GSD be good at? Any suggestions?

I have a 16 month old, small (55 lb), female rescue GSD. She has a lot of energy, more than that could be solved with a daily walk. I really want to do some type of activity/competition with her. We are looking at agility because she is super fast, nimble, agile, and can jump very high! She is very smart and can learn to do almost anything. She has pretty much no fear! She also has a high prey drive, and is very workable. I want this activity to tire her out because of all her energy. Is agility a good choice? Seems like a lot of work but is it worth it? She currently is at training classes so she is fairly well trained, not so sure she could be an obedience or rally dog, needs really fast pace. Oh she also loves water! What are some things she might be able to do?

Eyebrows help! Ahhhhh...?

Okay, so a while back i thought it;d be a good idea to pluck my own brows. It resulted in them being too short. They're like... a\far from my nose.. Anyway, I suck at using a brow pencil and I rally need help making them look good... Like normal length.

What did the Miranda five ways roundabout metering traffic light signals say when the lights were operating?

Messages displayed are limited to those that help drivers complete their journey safely and efficiently and cannot be used for advertising or any other unnecessary information.

Isn’t this what our socialist government teachers promote?

6/30/11 LONDON (Reuters) - Hundreds of thousands of British teachers and civil servants went on strike on Thursday in the opening salvo of what could be months of widespread industrial action over planned pension reforms and austerity measures. Echoing protests across Europe against spending cuts imposed to reduce budget deficits, the strikes closed many schools, as well as a small number of courts and other public offices, while thousands joined rallies in cities and towns across the country.

Can someone help me , dizziness - lightheaded constant?

You might be dehydrated. I also know diabetes causes lots of dizziness. But i would mainly consider dehydration. Try drinking more and see if it works.

Huge under steer on ford escort!?

my escort has huge under steer when i do right turns. the left wheel will screech on the road when turning, it does it at low speeds as well. i feel it most on roundabouts it feels like hitting an ice patch and the noise it makes always gives me an audience lol. ive had 2 new wishbones, 2 new track road ends, new break pads. ive checked the wheel for any play to check to see if a baring has gone but it was all ok. the inner tread of my tyre is worn away quite badly. when going in a Straight line there is no pull on the wheels, it drives as straight as an arrow. what could be the problem?. i also get a knocking noise everytime i go over bumps. what could it be? suspension??. if so how does it explain the under steer and knocking.?

Please help with moped!!!!!?

Before you mentioned the bike crash I was going to say the problem could be the accelerator pump on the carb. It is just a simple rubber diaphragm and can split causing loss of acceleration.

History help history help history help?

A lot more people would be willing to help you if you attempt to answer them and ask to have your answers checked.

Top Gear style time-trial rally?

Myself, as well as most of my family, has some kind of interest in cars. So, we were watching Top Gear and saw a Classic Time Trial Rally or something like that. We all agreed that it looked like a blast and would be a good drive to do. We currently live in FL..(I've already tried google, so please don't say that), but where would I be able to find a rally event like that in America (preferably as close to Florida as possible)

Would this be a side effect of Amoxicillin?

It was not allergic reaction that you had. You would get it every time that you took the drug. The rash was probably due to the procedure. Keep taking the meds. The mouth is a dirty place.

8 weeks pregnant threatened miscarriage?

I started bleeding like a mild period, bright red blood and cramps,Thursday so i went to the hospital, they didnt see any tissue or clots but told me im having a threatened miscarriage.Its not ectopic, thats what they checked when they did the u/s. the gestational sac and yolk sac are in my uterus they just couldnt really see a fetalpole. Well Friday i completely stopped bleeding, and have to wait til Tuesday to find out anything.Is it normal to miscarry and only bleed for 1 day? And why cant they find a fetalpole at 8 weeks?

Speeding but no posted limit?

Be careful, my friend. On every operation of this nature which I've seen set up the officer in charge specifically checks that all necessary signeage etc. is in place and visible on the day in question.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Darlington England LGBT?

Hi is there anyone here LGBT from Darlington united kingdom I try to see people how they want to be seen it’s not what you are that count’s it’s who you are not what’s on the exterior of a person its what’s on the inside the real you anyways I’m single and I’m trying to make friends with people roundabout’s 18 to 34 weather they are straight gay bi lesbian or even trans anyways I wouldn’t mind dating bisexual women or transgendered women as well because they all women on the inside anyways it’s not there they are different and the way they are as I say what is different and what is normal we are all different even identical twins

Harry Potter Premiere on Thursday 7th July?

Me and my friend are planning on going to London on Thursday in order to try and stand outside in the crowds in Trafalgar Square. I've never gone to a premiere before so I was wondering whether you needed any sort of ticket or anything just to stand out in the crowds or whether it was just a case of getting there early and being lucky! Any info would be great, thanks :)

What is your opinion of Children of illegal immigrants march on Capitol?

Childrens are the future so encouraging them for this activity is quite not good but thats true thrs a bit legal issue as per the governing body.... but the small ones should be avoided..from such activities...

Over 20's please, need some help with a fwb situation?

You are looking at this all wrong. Friends with benefits is not okay. Save lovemaking for someone you are in a loving long-term relationship with. Hooking up is nasty and tacky!

R&P: Prove me wrong...are good SCREAMERS necessarily good SINGERS?

Well, I'm not really a screamo fan, so I don't think they're good singer but whatever, i could be wrong. Anyway I had tennis this morning and the same kinda thing happened today. We were playing doubles and I could NOT get my serve down I felt horrible because the other girls could get it in. I am pretty good but I JUST COULD NOT GER MY SERVE IN! So don't feel bad, we got this (:

Who was the main inspiration for the Tea-Party?

Ron Paul is about the only inspirational figure in that list. I really don't consider myself a member of the Tea Party though. I just love how much they piss off the mainstream media. If ABC, MSNBC, CNN and CBS tell me the Tea Party is bad I know to believe the complete opposite.

2006 Ford focus engine and electrics problem?

My focus has a problem that it jerks on acceleration and if you rev it while standing still slowly it seems to miss about 500 revs till it works ie if it ticks at 800 revs you press the pedal slow and it goes to rev and jerks to about1300 difficult for pulling away as you have to double dip it cause it goes to stall, also if you hold it round roundabouts slow and even, it jerks its not as if it does it when accelerating in fact it is better being driven hard!! a twist is when my rear window wiper goes haywire and stops where it wants and my radios memory wont hold the car runs fine and runs on, on slowing down instead of jerking, any ideas im baffled ive driven other fords and they dont feel like this one!!!!!

Throwing up bile and feeling horrible help!!?

so on thursday night i started throwing up and i threw up at least 30 times in 10 hours i went to urgent care and they put me on an IV for fluid and a shot for nausea. anyways i ate today and started to feel crummy again and now im throwing up yellowish green substance which i think is bile. the doctor said my gallbladder seemed fine from the blood work. is this bad im throwing up again? please help!!!

We were dating before he moved, now what?

before this guy i know moved, we were dating for a couple weeks and he texts me everyday even though he says he doesn't like to text. Now that he's moved I don't see him often and he still texts me. He plans to still hangout with me when he comes to visit which is an hour away and he's very busy with a job. I asked him in a roundabout way what was going on and he said he isn't the type to play around and he wants to still see me it's just not as much. Is he still into me and is taking me seriously? because he hasn't asked me to be his girlfriend. I know this is hard when you don't see the person often but I don't know what to think.

UK Car insurance law on third party stalling?

Ok, was in a car accident 3 months ago. was going onto a three pronged/t-junctioned roundabout and the car on the left pulled out and hit us. my insurance are telling me they can't defend me (i only have third party) until the third party insurance have given them a written statement. by the looks of things their client is refusing to write a written statement etc. the third party did send a witness statement about 3weeks ago to reply to but it was not for my accident. different location. so i don't think this is the insurance stalling. my question is does anyone know how long they can stall like this? the third party are trying to sue for injury as well and the guy gave a statement for that. claims we where going to fast and hit him on the white circle which i can prove wasn't the case as i have pics showing the glass is on the road. police attended as he flagged them down. he rang his mate to be witness and the police report shows dubious witness, flagged down and that they believe he didn't give way

What I can get for my boyfriend...?

My boyfriend just graduated from College in May. Just last Thursday he started a new job but right now its a temp job...on Wednesday of this coming week he has another interview at the same company. I am so excited and proud of him. I bought him a professional bag for work/interviews. I would like to get him another gift for this temp job that he got. So I was wondering if anybody had any ideas. Thanks.

Wts the 2 hour drive like on your cbt?

ive never rid a moped and im really nervous. right outside where Ill be doing my cbt is a huge roundabout. I dont know if ill be able to do the 2 hour drive part cos Im not sure of speed limits. will i be doing 30mph on 30mph roads? will i be driving in front or the instructor? thanks

Can someone help me forget about him ?

Ok so last week I was in florida . There was like 25 hot guys there, but one caught my eye . The only problem was he spoke a forgien language . I asked him where he was from and he said norway . His english accent was soo perfect so I talked to him for a while . Oh btw I was in a pool when I asked him . So the next day he was there, then the next, and the next . But on Thursday he wasn't at the pool . I waited the whole day and he wasn't there . He wasn't there on Friday or Saturday . On Saturday night I left . I cried so hard because I really think I love him . But the only problem is, I don't think I'll ever see him again . Tell me what to do ! I tried forgetting about him but I just can't . He's on my mind 24/7 . I never even got his number ! What do I do to forget about him ?

Can you enter a roundabout if cars are banked up at your exit?

check the web for the highway code, you will get your question answered as it should be.people will have different opinions as to how a roundabout should be used.

Why would matter have an intrinsic need to coalesce with itself?

According to Relativity, anything with mass creates a curvature in the space-time continuum. It is this curvature that causes matter to coalesce, not matter itself. Also, when enough matter come together, it is the pressure from the gravitational collapse that causes fusion to start, again not matter itself. Matter cannot go back to the state of energy by itself. The 2nd law of thermodynamics gave a very specific direction, ie entropy (the amount of useless energy) must increase. The ultimate state of useless energy is actually matter itself, specifically iron. If the Universe continue to expand forever, eventually it will exhaust all useful energy and everything will be just matter.

Got my nose pierced recently and am having trouble with the stud they put in...?

hey! i got my nose pierced just last thursday. everything is going great, no trouble with infection so far, but the stud they put in is one of the corkscrew ones and the screw part keeps falling into sight and it looks like i have something hanging out of my nose. i clean it on the inside and the outside every morning and evening and twist it a couple times a day. i can't change it yet, but is there something i can do to stop the screw falling? thank you!! [= [=

Tips on passing driving test third time (UK)?

I will put you in the picture on my first test i got a serious mark on observation on a roundabout, on my second test i fail on going to slow and not indicating when pulling to the side of the road. I want to pass this next test really bad, put i keep messing up on silly mistakes give me some good advice on passing.

I THINK IM PREGNANT ?!! Help !!!!!?

Well I turn 16 this October but I've been sexually active for almost 2 yrs. Well 2 Thursdays ago I had unprotected sex with this guy. I was suppose to have my period on the 25th of June and that didn't happen! The latest I would have gotten it was the 28th and it still hasn't came ! Plz help !!!

Cheerleading Superhero Theme Pep Rally music help!?

ok i'm using kryptonite but what other songs will fit the theme of superheros and you can dance too....nothing lame please!!!!!

Alcohol poisoning? terrible stomach ache still?

HI! thursday night i went out to a bar and got my usual on the beach, a double. i had all together 5 of which i spilled about half way through so 4 and a half. my usually amount of this same drink when i go out ranges from 5 to 6 and of course i get drunk but am always okay and never vomit or anything. the first 2 drinks i had the male bar tender made and they tasted stronger then a double shot so i think he made them slightly stronger. well after the first one i was able to feel it....anyway to the point by my 5th glass i was so drunk i passed out at the bar and spilled the rest of it and was kicked out. i got home threw up twice and then fell asleep for about 4 hours. i woke up and had to sleep in my bathroom cause i kept throwing up..hardly anything though just yellowish stomach acid and in between throwing up i had the runs but each time hardly anything at all came out. i felt awful. by late morning (friday) i tried to drink water and eat bread and i could not it continued to come up almost immediately it was not until about 5 friday night that i was able to drink and keep some soup down. but my stomach hurt awful still....and it still hurt saturday but i made myself eat...well today is sunday and i thought that i was fine when i woke up i was hungry so i ate and now my stomach is in alot of pain again. i dont understand why. should i see a doctor or wait this out? any one who has experienced this or knows please help me. thank you

Is there anything i can do if item i bought online has not arrived?

Like with any merchant site just check with their problem resolution area which will describe the problem resolution steps you take to remedy things like this. Paypal has it's own area of this that is very good. Start there and it will take you through the whole process.

What does the CMS (Changeable Message Sign) say on the Queensland Roundabout Metering Traffic Light Signals?

What does the CMS (Changeable Message Sign) on the Queensland Roundabout Metering Traffic light signals say when they are operating and when they are not operating?

What is the 0-60 time for F1 compared to rally?

I know F1 cars are more powerful, but rally cars have 4 wheel drive. How do these 0-60 times compare? And how about the legendary group B cars?

Is it ok for me to be relieved?

You can certainly feel very relieved, Hopefully she has learned her lesson and does not speed again. It is very lucky she hurt herself and did not kill an innocent person. Do not get into a car with her again.

Feeling down, but only at night. ?

I just decided to move back home from Florida to California because of school. But now with only 4 days left until I leave and only having one more major thing to do before I'm good to go home I'm feeling really depressed and sad at night. It's only at night. I dont know what is wrong and it kind of scares me. I know that I will be fine when I get to the airport Thursday and head home but I dont wanna keep crying at night until that day. Any advice?

Am i fat!? im 14 and weigh 149.9lbs and i am 5'87 tall?

i am 14 turning 15 in october. i weigh 149.9 lbs and i am 5'87. i play exercise 7 days a week. monday, wednesday and friday, i run. thursday and sunday i play soccer and tuesday and saturday i do umpiring for AFL.

What are my chances of being pregnant?

I've been trying to get pregnant and I got off my period June 14 and we started having sex June 18. June 19 we had sex 3 times that day and now we've been having sex once every other day and he ejaculates, obviously. I'm supposed to have my period this wednesday or thursday. How good are the chances that I'm pregnant?

M-WWE Monday night RAW.70th RAW.Is it good?

Great First Promo! All good match ups. 9.8/10 Overall. Very happy in the result of the main event. Match Of the night is between the tag match and Chavo vs Rey.

Friday, August 5, 2011


With infections, don't fool around. It's worth a same day appointment. If your symptoms get worse, don't wait until tomorrow but get care today.

Returning to the States?

No, your baggage goes directly to your destination, and you only need to worry if they accidentally send it somewhere else. Don't worry!

Why legalize GAY MARRIAGE?

Comparing homosexuals to murderers and child molesters? First off, homosexual sex and marriage implies that it is taking place between two consenting parties. Secondly, is it so very hard to understand that not everyone in the world shares your particular belief system or views on life?

What does it mean when people from the gay community put pink tape over their mouths at rallies?

i saw images of people holding up signs after the gay marriage law passed in my state. What does pink tape over your mouth mean?

Eyebrows help! Ahhhhh...?

Okay, so a while back i thought it;d be a good idea to pluck my own brows. It resulted in them being too short. They're like... a\far from my nose.. Anyway, I suck at using a brow pencil and I rally need help making them look good... Like normal length.

Why do I always get rashes on my thigh when I shave my legs?

I've shaved my legs twice now, and the first time I did it, there were rashes all over my thigh, so I had to go to the doctor and get some cream. The second I did it, on Thursday night, I have now got all these rashes on my thigh again. It's only on my thigh and not on my legs. What is it? Why does it always happen? How do I treat it??

How Can I help my fiance dilate she is so miserable..... her Cervix was very soft thin and short on thursday ?

how will that help her not be miserable?? i can tell you IT WONT. alot of woman don't start dilating until they are in labour. doesn't matter how early she starts. wont make baby come any faster. good luck

Should I wear my uniform or not?

You probably dont want to feel akward going in with a uniform and you dont even work. But people who usually come in at 9 usually help with prep. Getting the store ready for open. Basically slicing tomato's, cutting onions, etc. So maybe you should wear it.

Can my company force me to use PTO even though I have worked 40 hours (or more) in a given week?

If you are salary and required to work five days a week, then you can't squeeze all the hours into four days and take a three day weekend. If you ask, they might allow it, but they do not have to.

Migrating sharp shooting headache/HIV related?

It would be helpful if you told us whether or not you have HIV. Then we'd be able to give you a more definite answer.

Do you think Old firm fan should hold a rally to protest against anti-bigotry laws?

I feel that our human rights are at risk here. Does bigotry really do any harm? Sure there may be fighting prior to and after games, some lives blighted by negative experiences, domestic abuse and the odd murder here and there but our liberty must be protected.

Should i go to this place with my elementary school crush?

I recently got in contact with my elementary school crush, whom I getting feelings for again. And well I can tell he is just as nice and sweet as he was when we were younger. He invited me to go to this rally for walmart workers to help support him with his internship. Should I go? (Its in a public area @ a park with a bunch of other rallyers just in case he really isn't as sweet as he use to be(which I doubt))

Close to major elections, why does the stock market rally when Republicans do well?

I don't think that is true. you usually see a runup to any major event, then a sell off.. kind of a rule of thumb.. "Buy the Rumor, Sell the News".

Why am I nauseous at work?

Hey, I'm 19 years old and physically fit. I was working 50hrs a week plus (stacking lumber) working side jobs on the weekends for the past 5 weeks. Last thursday, I had to leave work because I was almost vomiting. friday, i felt decent so i worked a little. today (saturday) i was helping a friend move some stuff, and when we slid a car dolly over (around 300-400lbs, but both of us were lifting), i instantly started feeling nauseous again. it's been around two hours since then and i'm still feeling nauseous. anybody know what's goin' on here?

Is it Possible to construct a Roundabout at 11 murti T-point in Delhi?

I think that govt. is not constructing roundabout at 11 murti delhi only because it is used by VIP but i want to ask that if govt. construct a roundabout at this point than value able human life can be saved . 2 years back 2 army men died at this point due to accident. but govt. is not interested in roundabouts at T-point. shame shame shame.

Girls HELP Please! How should I tell her or what should I do?

So theirs this girl that I like and well I'm sure she likes me as well because she's always flirting with me, calling me loser and always trying to get my attention or I catch her looking for me but anyways I don't know what to do, I wanna tell her that I like her but how? I'm a strait forward guy and it's just bugging me that I haven't told how I felt about her, I don't like to hide how I feel anymore. I don't have her number but I have her as a friend on facebook. I only see her Tuesday and thursday at marine training but there's not much time to talk. I was suppose to ask her for her number but things kinda got ruin because I had to handle paper work for the marines but anyways I don't want to get her number of Facebook because it makes me look pathetic I like to get in person. How should I tell her?

Is J.R.R Tolkien's racist literature in violation of the EUHRC charter?

You need to grow up and learn to accept other people's cultures , you're the only one being racist . Oh and by the way , they're not actually real , it's called fiction .

Question about me ovulating?

Me and my fiance are trying to have a baby. I got my period on June 21st. Sometimes my cycles are 24 days or 25 days. Me and my fiance had sex Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, And Friday. I thought i ovulated friday but today i had A LOT of cervical mucus and my temp was the lowest its ever been (96.48) so that has me thinking that i ovulated today. But me and my fiance couldn't have sex today because he is at work. So do you think we should be okay with possibly conceiving this cycle even if we didn't have sex today?

Why is the same stock priced differently on separate exchanges sometimes?

For instance, I've been investing in Bank of Nova Scotia (NYSE:BNS) and its current price is about a percentage point higher than it is on the TSX. Moreover, the stock rallied about 2% more on the NYSE than on the TSX over the past year. If markets truly are efficient, then why would this be the case? Thanks

Vauxhal Astra Envoy 1.7 DTI - W reg (2000) diesel?

When at roundabout and junctions, traffics lights my car stalls, this doesnt happen all the time, I takes a few times to get the car started again, at 1st i thought it was me not getting the bite, but when i first start my journey it is fine, I know nothing about cars can anyone help????

How do I get out of a Police Ticket issue wich will cost me my licence?

I was recently driving a work vehicle and I nearly caused undercover cops to T-Bone me on a roundabout.....they didnt catch up with me but did talk 2 my boss fired me and i have to go in on monday to talk to the police officers.... is there anyway out of this? im a p plater and they will take my licence and i will be unable to work...would saying they already took my job be enough as a punishment help? ... or should i just say i dont remeber nearly casuing this etc etc? HELP PLEASE!!!

Is rallying on the streets for a fair election a bad thing?

My mind goes to the Disturbed "Land Of Confusion" video. Yes, we need to start considering an uprising against the Central bank crooks of the world. It is sad that Washington politicians are just a corporate subsidiary of Wall Street now days. We should uprise and throw them all out (Bankers and politicians).

Why is my sunburn so painfully itchy?

On Thursday I was in the sun for a bit too long and the UV index was 9. I usually don't burn so I used an SPF of 4 just to be safe, it turned out that it wasn't high enough or I didn't put enough on because I got a really nasty burn on the backs of my legs. I've stayed out of the sun and used plenty of aloe and taken tylenol to reduce the pain. Everything was fine until today, after I took a shower my sunburn began to itch like crazy along with pain all over my burn. If I scratch the burn it hurts and the itch won't go away and even if I don't scratch it I'm writhing in pain. Please help!

Anyone else surprised by the ignorance on here?

What is ignorant is when y'all try and make it a civil rights issue and equate a gay lifestyle choice to a skin color. Other than Michael Jackson no one has been able to choose their skin color. @Willis, it goes against biology amongst other things.

How can I better manage 2 lanes merging into 1?

2 into one are all ways a problem .all ways have been all means get to the front ..if its safe to do so ..but experience will teach you calmness ...whatever you do ..don't go to india ..your heart wont last a day!

How could accidents on a roundabout be prevented?

Simple. By simply being patient and waiting for your turn to use the roundabout when it is free of cars.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Making a sign to advertise my odd job work?

I have seen wooden signs in the middle of roundabouts and on the side of streets advertising people's carpentry etc. Where would you get one of these signs and could you then put it on the side of the a country lane - do you have to pay someone to do this? What happens if you don't pay?

Why hasn't my period started?? Pleaseeeee help!?

My period comes once a month and it always comes on a saturday! It's been 3 weeks since my last period stopped! Last month it started on Saturday the 11tg and lasted till Thursday the 16th! Which means it has been 3 weeks! Why isn't it here? I have all the signs! My face broke out etc! Please help! Thanks so much

Lorazepam 0.5 mg question?

Lorazepam will not help with pain. It is an anti-anxiety drug. I suppose it might make you less worried about the pain, but it probably won't do anything for you.

My girlfriend doesn't make much money?

Well then tell her that u are also not happy with ur job, and that u need to sell car and house couse u won't make too much in ur new career. Of course, that is just a threat

When and how should I wash/clean my face?

Cleaning your face is very important and you need to do it daily no matter what. It might seam like a lot, so instead of doing the face wash on tuesdays, thursdays, and sundays, do the toner on those days. In the mornings and at night wash your face and moisturize if necessary(especially if you get sunburned). Wash your face as much as you can!

Sucking noise when i press accelerator pedal?

I have a ford focus 2006 when i tap the accelerator or press it quick i get a sucking noise from the engine bay, this seems to go hand in hand with the car running lumpy and not smooth when i de-accelerate it tends not to run on it jerks, and also when i slowly go around things like roundabouts it tends to jerk, any ideas ive replaced the breather pipe from the throttle control to the sump, but not sure where all vaccum pipes are etc etc got haynes doesnt help.

Can a pregnancy be missed during an vaginal ultrasound?

Anything is possible, I think if you were going in for a vaginal ultrasound they may not have been LOOKING for pregnancy, if they did see it, it wouldnt be their duty to tell you, get me??? Like When i was pregnant with my son i didnt know and i have a history of gall stones, they took me to the hospital and had an ultrasound done, by that time i was 2 months along already and they didnt tell me anything, usually when you have a US done for a certain reason they wont look for pregnancy unless you specificlly ask. Good Luck :)

Do you have any ideas?

I am at strong ties with a welfare organization (takes care of orphans, widows, disabled children) that does ramadan decorations every year in a small roundabout in the middle of the market. They also want to apply the same concept to the ramadan imsakiyya (calendar), you know, so that the whole concept is consistently applied. Do you have any ideas what they can do?

What u think of how he feels?

i met a guy on holiday a year ago but we he asked for my number etc. he started seeing someone when we got back (we live 4 hrs apart) but as soon as i added him on fb and we were online same time he would talk to me every single time and invited me to visit him but i couldnt andhinted at seig me but i was too sy to answer seriously because i was scared he was joking. anyway i had work placement near him a few months later and we metup he too me out to his friends bday party and he stayed at mine and then we hung out a his the nxt day. i saw him again then a month later as i had anoher placement. we were talking inb etwenn the to andit was rally nice. i know he liked me because he spoke to me for 6 months even before we knew we'd see each other again. he's been reallybuy with work past 2 months and we've only spoken twice he even spoke to see if i was ok when he was busy when his parents wree down to stay. thing is yday i text him oto sayi'd be at placement again in a month and he hasnt replied....i dont know if te way i phrased my text means it's one u woudnt reply to and just a notifying one. what u think?

How to sneak out of my house?

I want to sneak out of my house. I want to sneak out Thursday, but my dad works night shifts during the weekends and stays up all night during weekdays. He might notice if i drive the car because he sometimes drives to Walmart randomly during the night. but he would never know if I didn't take the car because he doesn't check on me ever at night, and I can easily sneak out my basement window in my room. the place i'm going I would have to drive. I cant walk or ride my bike, its a little far away, and has a huge hill in between. I don't know if I could take a taxi. any suggestions on what to do, or how to get to the place I want to go?

Am I working out to much or is this fine?

No it is fine. Your body be ones more Efficient with training to save energy. So soon it would just be a basic routine, unless you have an injury and you keep going then that could hurt u but really it depends. If you have the will and love to do it will fine

Why did McCain Sit next to Palin when she Interviewed with Couric the Second time?

Palin only did about 4 interview's during the entire 2008 campaign process. She did many speaking events though, I think she had more rally's than Biden for sure. But why was McCain so Insecure about allowing her to do her own thing? Even when he was sitting next to her in the Couric #2 Interview McCain looked Fidgety. Like he was a Parent sitting in on a Teacher student Conference.

How likely is a Twin miscarriage ?

I'm pregnant with fraternal twins and on Thursday I lost one, the second baby is okay since bit I'm worried about the likelihood of losing het too. I'm aost 20 weeks and am active I do horse riding and alot of jogging too though o have pretty much stopped riding

CBT for first time moped riders?

The whole point of a C.B.T. course is to train total novices like yourself, on how to ride safely and confidently on the road. All your questions (and more) will be answered by your C.B.T. instructor.

I have a 2002 Mitsubishi Lancer oz rally edition and im trying to hook a line out converter to my stock stereo?

i have a 2002 Mitsubishi Lancer oz rally edition and im trying to hook a line out converter to my stock stereo but not sure how to do so. i dont know the colors of my speaker wires either... help plzz??

The Failure of Al Gore - would the word dufus best describe him?

To call him a dufus would be an insult to the dufus community worldwide. I think the word douchebag works better.

Do people make fun of freshmens at your highschool? If so, what'd they do/say? ?

Oh, it just makes them feel superior and like they're older and more mature (as if!). It's actually pretty ridiculous, how they try to make themselves feel cooler just by rubbing their age in the freshman's faces. The tables will turn, however, when they reach college and then THEY will be the little fish in a big pond.

If approaching a roundaboout and a car coming from the opposite direction does not indicate its intention and?

then proceeds to come round the rounabout after i have entered the roundabout and strikes my car, who is at fault

Starting a Car on a Dead Battery?

Is there a way of disconnecting all electronics of the car so that the battery will start the car without going flat. Because I charged the car battery, I think, well it was on charge for hours and hours, and when I put it in car nothing happened I just thought something was draining it. Surprisingly jump cables didn't work either, the dials light up but car didn't start. Is there anything else I can try, But I don't want anything too expensive because its just an old car lying in the street, I was planning on getting started and rallying about in. :)

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Could this be making me feel odd?

I've just come back from my holiday on Friday, and I didn't eat much at all. I get homesick really easily, and with me being away, I just didn't want to eat. I had a full meal on the Thursday evening (scampi and chips, at about 5.30pm) and then didn't eat anything again until lunchtime on the Friday (sausage roll). I've had a bit more food today, followed by a chinese with my boyfriend for tea. Now I just don't feel right, I have a lot of trapped wind, I feel bloated, and just generally icky. Is this normal? When will I start to feel better?

Sore throat , head and earache , fever , stiff/sore neck .?

My headache started thursday morning . The sore throat , earache , and fever came friday morning . i went to the hospital that night ; they gave me an antibiodic but said i did not have strep . the stiff/sore neck started today . any suggestions to what this could be ?


Hi I'm looking for a reasonable car insurance quote (UK) (I say reasonable because I know it won't be cheap) for myself, i'm 17, passed my test 5 months ago and have completed the pass plus course. The cheapest quote I can find is �3000+ on a 1.0 litre car, such as citroen C1, C2, Chevrolet Matiz, Vauxhall Corsa ETC. So all very small, cheap little cars. So I am looking to hear from anyone who is roundabout my age, which insurance company are you with and what car with what engine do you have? I have tried ALL of the compare sites so please don't suggest these.. I am looking for a quote below �3000 if possible? Thanks for your help!

How do I send a formal email asking if my correspondent has lost interest?

Follow-up with a phone call instead of email. Especially since she was so enthusiastic about helping you. If you cannot speak with her personally, explain the situation to her secretary, colleague, or whoever you can talk to. Hopefully not, but something could have happened to her, such as illness, accident, etc. Good luck.

Helping to start in rally racing?

I really love rally racing and I am definitely interested in getting involved in my local rally center. As in, driving. Now, I've heard that it's a good idea to do "arrive and drive" for your first season where a car is ready for you, as is your team. I currently only have a 96 Ford Escort LX. Is there anyway I could modify this to compete in local rallies? If that's just a silly question, let me know. There's plenty of time to buy an old Impreza or Focus in the future to modify for rally standards. Any advice helps, ahaha, and please know what you're talking about. Thanks a million!

Football student section ideas?

I am in charge of my schools "falcons nest" the student section at football games. We do chants, face-paint, rally towels, and other typical student section activities. We do want to make it crazy so any ideas? also ways ti get people in it! our football team isn't very good but a lot of people go to the games. thanks.

2000 Toyota Celica GT-S Questions...?

Your transmission is wearing out. The noise and shifting problems are typical. Your first and second gear syncros are worn out, which is why shifting is hard. Next it will start jumping out of gear.

Please Rate My Pokemon Black Team?

It's good, just make sure you play to each pokemon's strengths, eg physical fire move for Darmanitan is a MUST, as you get STAB and it has a beefy attack anyway. I personally would choose Chandelure over Beheeyem for a special sweeper, as it has higher sp. attack and higher speed, although the tpe difference may be not to your liking. Samurott is acceptable, but it's base stats are nothing phenomenal. Hydreigon is a brilliant choice, it's a generally sturdy pokemon. Lilligant is just not my sort of pokemon, but use it with Sunny Day is it has Chlorophyll, and its speed should do it well. Eelektross is good, as it has no weaknesses, but just watch its speed, as in online games, speed is often the difference between winning and losing, unless using slowing moving walls.

What does "swings and roundabouts" mean?

Apparantly it is a shorter version of "What you lose on the swings you gain on the roundabouts" - but this still doesn't make much sense. What does the phrase mean?

HELP PLEASE i really do not understand the concept?

Consider a child of mass 40 kg standing on the roundabout at a radius of 0.5 m from the centre. The roundabout rotates with a time period of 5.0 seconds. The child is holding a ball and throws it straight up into the air whilst he is on the roundabout. Describe and explain how the ball will travel through the air and where it will land.

Did the media influence your decision, to vote for Obama in 2008?

Nothing influenced me I seen right through that pitiful lying stack of siht the first time I ever laid eyes on his sorry ash.

What should i say when i call aeropostale ? i really want the jobb?

I had an interview with them last tuesday and they said that if they dont call by monday than we should call..but idk what to sayy..i was thinking hi i had an interview last week and i would rally like the job..but idk how to sound professional

Why can't Atheists rally?

They do rally. There was a Atheists convention in Ireland recently and it had a great turn out. They have them annually. The problem is the USA is probably the only western country were atheism is still considered an anomaly. Education has a lot to do with it. USA has been lagging behind most western nations in education. Plus the Christian right has a lot of political power.

My mom and me diet but she doesnt know whats wrong?

So my mom does these weird diets and i do it with her but really i do them for my self. ive always thought tht i had "fat" tht shouldnt be there. wen i was 4 (my family told me this story) i asked them why do i have this *poking my thighs* i know im not fat but ive always felt it. but im not tht skinny little girl tht thinks her life is hell because she doesnt get what she wants. personal image is a massive thing for me. for my own sake i have to weigh my self before and after nd one hour after eating. but the dieting is like eating penut butter every 90 mins nd alot of water. ive told her tht i weigh my self aprozamently 15 times a day and she just smiles nd says oh we have such a issue filled family. she doesnt rally no anyitng is wrong. i dont know really wat to do. nd to top it off i really want a baby.. not becase i want to have sex (im lesbian) but just not to be alone nd to make another imperfection.

Is my Ex Bf being a dick?

Okay so the past 2 years we have been getting along really well going out on dates and holding hand buying gifts for eachother He's always been this really sweet guy until He started to join The hockey team......Ever since he started hockey He's been such a dick He forgot my birthday and our anniversary -.- he skipt our date night and I told him about how my Dad just Died infront of me all he had to say was "huh that's odd My ex girlfriend's dad did the same thing to oh i gtg shot some pucks in the front bye" He normaly says I gtg love you so much bby <3 and at this point i balled like crazy. It was only 3 more days until V-day and every year Me and him would go out on a date like go to the beach and have a picnic I called him to ask him what our plans where for thursday and He said "Thursday what's thursday" and All i hear in the back is dad what do i have going on tommorow and he told me "oh right my hockey game thanks for remembering i should get to sleep now night" I balled my eyes out again. in the morning i always get the cutest text from him on V-d all i get was wish me luck .......... later that night I had to talk to him I asked him "alright look what's more important me or hockey" He said "Hockey" i asked him "are you going to take our relathionship serious or as a joke" He said "idk" After that I said "**** you" and hung up we broke up i cried everyday........5 months later I recoverd and I'm back on track me and him became friends again and then i told him 1 month later that I still liked him and he said I do to and 1 week later he had another gf!!!! i CRIED i just fell in love with him again and he goes and does that so i go off and meet this new guy And he's so sweet and nice and really funny and he took all my pain away and we hung out like everyday and 2 weeks later my ex bfs gf broke up with him and a few days later came crawling back to me and told me he's really sorry and that we should date and I'm almost falling in love with this other guy what should i say to him that will make it hurt

Help my friend is depressed ?

Help Okai so my best friend I used to go out with him but we were so close we didn't want to ruin anything so his 6 year old sister died last Thursday and he shows no emotion I tried to cheer him up today je smiled for the first time I'n a week we were playing minecraft and I kept making him laugh and he spat out his drink I'n laughter and it went over his wrist band so he took them off and he had scars all over his wrists i didn't say anything but I think I should confront him about it ? And help him I'm the only one who he let's I'n his room