Tuesday, August 9, 2011

What shall i do about my driving lessons?

I have been having driving lessons for a while now and i dont know how to take my instructor, sometimes he/she is fine and fun to be around but other times they are in a bad mood and as a result loose there patience, i dont know how to take him/her, like on round abouts if i wait and dont go im told i ,missed an oportunity and get moaned at and other times when i go i get moaned at and told i should of waited im fed up with it i dont know what im suppost to do if i go when im comfortable to i get moaned at if him/her is in a good mood then i dont get moaned at but if him/her is not in a good mood then its feels like its taken out on me, if a driver cuts me up when we are out he/she bibs the horn at the other driver having ago and that to me isnt right, i feel sick when it comes to havin lessons and feel releaved if its cancelled due to someones tests or whatever, i hate being moaned at and feel like im a rubbish driver if i do something wrong and if i do sommin wrong he/she has a go and i just want to get out the car and never drive again. I have been wondering if i should try another instructor, someone i know had the same instructor so i chose the same one and they said he/she was like that with them but sounds like they have got alot worse, whenever i do something on my lesson mainly on roundabouts im constantly thinking if i go will i get moaned at if i wait will i get moaned at so i cant just relax and consentrate on my driving im alsways thinking if i will get moaned at for something. Im just not sure what to do about it. Im not a very outgoing person and i am quiet so i just hold it all in and only tell my mum and dad they say i should change as its not right and if i get someone else i will see there point of view on driving and they can tell me if im okay or doing anything wrong, as for example if im waiting at a roundabout and someone is indicating to come around, i have to wait but if they suddenly turn of still with there indicator on i will be told i missed and oportunity and if i say but the indicater was on to come around to me i will get told you should of watch the body language of the car and viser versa. Im really stuck with what to do, when i think of changing instructers i feel unsettled as thats the sort of person i am, please if you have any advice i would love to hear it. and if you can recommend any driving schools and instructors that would be great thanks

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